Meet Your Match Update

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Meet Your Match Update

Post by Flash » Wed Jul 06, 2016 10:30 pm

Not surprisingly it looks very similar to how CS:GO currently works with Casual and Competitive modes.

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Re: Meet Your Match Update

Post by The Domer » Thu Jul 07, 2016 9:21 am

5 years too late

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Re: Meet Your Match Update

Post by Will T. » Thu Jul 07, 2016 11:50 am

The Domer wrote:5 years too late
Of all the parts of Valve that have died, Valve Time is not one of them. :P

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Re: Meet Your Match Update

Post by Flash » Thu Jul 07, 2016 1:39 pm

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Re: Meet Your Match Update

Post by black_and_blue » Thu Jul 07, 2016 8:28 pm

A bit of a shame that they're restricting competitive mode to 6v6 and restricting casual mode to 12v12. I get that, of the people who play competitive, there are probably more who like 6v6 than 12v12 and vice versa, but that's no reason to deny competitive to those who prefer 12v12 or deny casual mode to those who prefer 6v6. I personally would actually like to play ranked 12v12 competitive games.

And what about Highlander?

I hope they don't get rid of the drop-in-drop-out style games. That's one thing that I don't like about Overwatch. Sometimes I'm waiting for someone to arrive or for the phone to ring or something and I want to just play a game until that happens. In Overwatch, I can't do that because I don't feel like I should leave mid-game in quickplay, and I definitely don't want to in Competitive.

Honestly, I'm glad they didn't have this mode 5 years ago, because I don't think it will be good at all for community servers.

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Re: Meet Your Match Update

Post by Zork Nemesis » Thu Jul 07, 2016 9:30 pm

black_and_blue wrote:I hope they don't get rid of the drop-in-drop-out style games. That's one thing that I don't like about Overwatch. Sometimes I'm waiting for someone to arrive or for the phone to ring or something and I want to just play a game until that happens. In Overwatch, I can't do that because I don't feel like I should leave mid-game in quickplay, and I definitely don't want to in Competitive.
The TF2 subreddit is pretty much on fire because they did just that. I'm inclined to agree with them for once too, Valve may have possibly alienated the largest portion of their playerbase (the quickplay casual players) by removing the ability to just jump into a game and go. I think they did it due to the number of people who dick around and do nothing but I feel as though they went about it in the worst way possible.

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Re: Meet Your Match Update

Post by Plinko » Thu Jul 07, 2016 10:00 pm

At least they kept the community servers.

I fired up TF2 for the first time in two months to try the update out, but the matching system seems to not be working at all.
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Re: Meet Your Match Update

Post by Zork Nemesis » Thu Jul 07, 2016 10:03 pm

The Game Coordinator must be overloaded right now, and with quickplay gone I can't just jump in to a random game. I tend to shy away from community servers due to many hosts running ads, mods, or other stuff I don't really care about in my TF2. Guess I won't be playing for now.

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Re: Meet Your Match Update

Post by Flash » Fri Jul 08, 2016 7:04 am

black_and_blue wrote:A bit of a shame that they're restricting competitive mode to 6v6 and restricting casual mode to 12v12.
It is exactly like CS:GO. Casual matches are 10v10 and Competitive are 5v5.
Zork Nemesis wrote:Valve may have possibly alienated the largest portion of their playerbase (the quickplay casual players) by removing the ability to just jump into a game and go.
If it works anything like CS:GO, and I have every reason to believe it will once the Game Coordinator stops being on fire... It'll still be pretty quick to just jump into an in-progress game. I've been playing a lot of CS:GO lately and I can generally jump into an Arms Race, Demolition or Death Match game in under 20 seconds. The only penalty for leaving one of these type matches early is that you don't earn your XP to rank up. You don't lose any, you just don't gain any.

The servers don't sit around waiting until they are full and will happily throw bots into the mix to keep the teams even. So sometimes you'll join a game at the beginning of the map, other times you're thrown into the middle of a game in progress.

Only time will tell how they're going to handle TF2, but if it mimics CS:GO I don't think it'll be horrible (not considering how they've killed our community server that is...)

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Re: Meet Your Match Update

Post by Zork Nemesis » Fri Jul 08, 2016 11:00 pm

The TF2 team left a sizable blog post concerning the new casual game mode. Reading through it, they've pretty much stated everything that went wrong with the launch and have admitted fault for a number of the design choices. A patch went out today that fixed some of the backend issues as well as allowed players to select just one game mode and have said that they plan to allow selection of a single map in the near future. Abandonment penalties have also been removed as they acknowledged the concerns of the community about drop-in-drop-out gameplay. They also clarified that the level system is purely cosmetic and means nothing as far as casual matchmaking goes.

They've also fixed the new Prinny Machete from the Disgaea PC promo so that you can now wield it as the Engineer and Spy. Backstabbing people with a comically oversized combat knife is now a thing.

One thing that was not addressed however was that the voting system is still pretty much removed from Casual mode, which means technically hackers can come and go as they please without any fear of retribution beyond the "inconvenience" of having to make a new account every time VAC catches up to them.

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Re: Meet Your Match Update

Post by Flash » Sat Jul 09, 2016 11:03 am

I couldn't even play yesterday. Every time I'd finally join a match, TF2 would crash...

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Re: Meet Your Match Update

Post by black_and_blue » Sun Jul 10, 2016 10:52 pm

One nice thing about this update that they didn't announce is that the server browser doesn't show Valve servers at all any more; they are only accessible by matchmaking.

So, if we actually were to manage to seed a server, it would sit near the top of the list in the server browser. Not sure how helpful that would be though with all the focus on matchmaking now.

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Re: Meet Your Match Update

Post by trilobite » Mon Jul 11, 2016 6:33 pm

Yea, this matchmaking update has reconfigured online access and it fundamentally changes how players join matches. I don’t care for it because I like to choose the map, and I only like a few. True, you can choose the style of the map, such as “capture points,” “capture the flag,” and “payload.” But I like to join a specific map of my choosing. I know I am just being persnickety and overly particular. Perhaps I don’t have what it takes to participate in casual matches under this new matchmaking regime. That’s fine, my era has passed and now the big thang is “matchmaking”… and the money-making that Valve hopes it will produce.
black_and_blue wrote:One nice thing about this update that they didn't announce is that the server browser doesn't show Valve servers at all any more; they are only accessible by matchmaking.

So, if we actually were to manage to seed a server, it would sit near the top of the list in the server browser. Not sure how helpful that would be though with all the focus on matchmaking now.
I’d like to follow up on what black_and_blue observed. I noticed the same thing. All the Valve servers are now missing from the server search. I guess they are all dedicated to the matchmaking mode. Only community servers are now showing – like UGC, BOOM, FirePowered, and Hyperion, and of course The (dead) Ville. BOOM is always empty, but UGC, FirePowered and Hyperion seem to be populated most of the time. From this, I infer that there remains an interest in community servers. Like black_and_blue suggests, now might be an opportunity to reignite interest in Ville servers. And if that conversation starts, I would like to make a few suggestions – which generally involve loosening up a bit here and there.

Is profanity and racism an overarching problem on Valve servers? I would say, “No.” I have been playing on Valve servers and some of these community servers for more than a year. I was surprised that, although there is some profanity and some racism every once-in-a-while, it is not what you might call, “prevalent.” I don’t like either but I have found that the mute option in TF2 solves the problem for me. Sometimes a player is overly mean-spirited with language and bigotry so much that finally players votekick them. Generally, that solves the problem. If not, then I disconnect. What I am trying to say is that “this is the internet today.” Players mostly understand and accept this, and they have sophisticated ways of dealing with it without soliciting admin involvement – what admins, on a Valve server? The other thing is that hardly anyone even uses mics anymore. So, my recommendation to The Ville leadership is to ease up and let the children cuss once-in-a-while. Really a non-issue. But bigotry, hate and racism – that’s bannable.

Is hacking a big problem on Valve servers? YES! Hacking aim bots. Pretty amazing. And there seems to be no way to block it. Not just snipers either. There was a heavy whose minigun was killing me even though I was far behind him and his gun was pointing away from me. A soldier killed me with his shotgun even though he was far across the map and around a corner. I was playing on a Valve server last week against an invisible demoman. Stickies and pipes were just emerging out of an invisible fountain. I can mute a jerk who uses abusive language, but there is no such easy workaround for hackers. So, if ever there was a high priority need for admin involvement, anti-hacking would be it.

To sum up:
  1. Changes accompanying Valve’s matchmaking efforts now make community servers more visible.
  2. Despite Valve’s matchmaking, there continues to be interest in established community servers. But The Ville servers remain unpopular.
  3. An opportunity may be emerging for community servers, such as The Ville, as many established TF2 players may have no interest forced matchmaking.
  4. The Ville servers might regain popularity if server admins ease up a bit on language enforcement and focus instead on keeping Ville servers free of hacking, racism, and bigotry.
Thank you and have a nice day.

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Re: Meet Your Match Update

Post by Plinko » Sat Jul 16, 2016 7:29 pm

Valve servers were removed from the server browser a long time ago. The only way you could see one was if it showed up in your friends tab because they were in one.

I haven't actually gotten in a game since the update, but I don't think that is much of a revision unless they accidentally let them back in when the meet your match update dropped.
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Re: Meet Your Match Update

Post by Flash » Sun Jul 17, 2016 8:24 pm

I still haven't been able to play since the update. TF2 crashes every time I join a game.

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