The Real Deal

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Re: The Real Deal

Post by ShadyJane » Fri Jun 10, 2011 12:35 pm

Story Time:

I haven’t had much success finding a group to try the Real Deal but I did have one opportunity last night.

The setting: Hard Rain (yea that’s right)
The players: Me, some prepubescent boy (hereafter called squeaky), one of the three tenors (hereafter called tenor), and a guy without a mic (Mike).

Stage 1

We got into the burger tank and started clearing the area. Mike immediately went to the roof and that was the last we saw of him. Before we could even start the search a wild Tank appeared. I don’t think I had even gotten my shotgun before the encounter started. Tenor and I lit the tank up while Squeaky instantly made a run for the safe room. He was pounced by a karma Hunter shortly after starting his run and died.

With the tank lit and the general infected cleared we also made a run for it. We didn’t get too far before a charger picked Tenor up and took him into the car alarm (by the playground). I knew the attempt was likely to be folly but I too made a break for the saferoom as Tenor was nice enough to distract the flaming tank and the horde for me. Miraculously I made it. I will also note that within site of the safe room I landed a split second shove on a hunter to prevent from being pounced. Tenor applauded me. Mike typed out some compliments. Squeaky squeaked.

Stage 2

I started in the red and the rest of the team at 50. Both Squeaky and Mike picked up the non-respawning med packs and used them right away…much to my dismay but I stayed quiet. We made our way downstairs where squeaky found a magnum. We started clearing the initial infected. Mike types out that he wanted point. Squeaky assumed this meant “run in front of me while I am shooting” and a team incap followed shortly after along with a horde. Squeaky…itching to make use of his magnum place two well placed bullets right between my eyes and I was privileged to join him on the ground.

The horde passed. We got up (I was B&W) and we made our way into the first building. We found some pills and two pipe bombs. Squeaky picked up one pipe bomb and threw it right away into the next field and ran back to get the 2nd one. The pipebomb he threw, however, startled the roaming witch. Subsequently we were forced to use our only defib on him. I decided to use a medpack.

Tenor offers some words of encouragement. “We got it now guys, let’s roll!”. We proceed back through the first building, the first field and into the second. Squeaky throws his 2nd pipebomb way into the distance and makes a break for it. Unfortunately he threw it very far so not only did he not kill too many general infected but he also ran directly towards where he threw it (i.e. where the infected were). He was also boomed on in the process. We buried squeaky underneath some pipes.

Surprisingly enough things became more straight forward with squeaky dead for good. In witch town we threw a bile bomb and made a mad dash through the facility and towards the small shack before the sugar mill. There we held our own against the horde and the three of us made our way up the stairs. We cleared the infected but there was a non-roaming witch right next to the elevator. Mike typed out “I got this” and fired off two sniper rounds. The witch, unphased, chased the poor fool to the ground floor and beyond. Tenor proved to be quite the marksman and downed the witch from a distance while she was within feet of Mike. Then a horde came and Mike was forced to lead them away.

Thinking quick, tenor and I used the opportunity to call the elevator. Hilariously enough we saw almost no infected, but Mike died moments after the elevator arrived. We’re still unsure of where he was. The elevator dropped us off at the sugar cane field. I threw a pipe and we both ran for the finish. Only tenor made it. I ran into a roaming witch.

Stage 3

Eager to redeem himself squeaky “accidentally” incapped three of us at the gas station. In fairness it was during a storm phase but by that time we had had enough. Mike called a vote to kick him and pretty soon the young buck was out of the game.

Tenor and Mike both used the roof trick to clear the way for Coach and myself back through the field. We returned to the elevator and as the doors opened at the top two things happened. Squeaky rejoined our game and a Tank was literally, right around the corner to the left waiting for us. There were no survivors.

Take 2

This time Squeaky was pissed. Indignant of his recent kick he became deliberately less helpful. This is where the story basically ends. We kicked squeaky again. He joined again and killed tenor and me. Tenor then left the game which snowballed into all of us leaving.

I thought it was funny though that we made it to stage 3 with no restarts which such a mismatched group. I will never forget squeaky after pipebombing the witch or that we only saw Mike for like 10 seconds on the first stage. I like the stories that arise from 4 strangers surviving the apocalypse.

Also since playing more and more expert and realism, my abilities in versus have increased dramatically as has my aim.

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Re: The Real Deal

Post by l3eeron » Fri Jun 10, 2011 12:48 pm

lol, nice story.

Most of it sounds pretty typical of expert runs....

most people dead, anyone who actually makes it to the safe is B/W :lol:

I wish to join you in your endeavors to achieve "The Real Deal". I have it already, but it's always fun to have an extra objective.

One word of advice: Do expert runs with friends only. :D

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Re: The Real Deal

Post by TheCarpe » Fri Jun 10, 2011 12:51 pm

I would equate pubbing L4D in any capacity to punching oneself repeatedly in the face with one hand and the groin with the other. Trying to pub expert would involve adding spiked knuckles to the aforementioned analogy.
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Re: The Real Deal

Post by TTHREAZ » Fri Jun 10, 2011 1:20 pm

Hit up any member of the Wrecking Crew and I'm sure we'd be willing to gather some others and do a run with you.

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Re: The Real Deal

Post by frostdillicus » Fri Jun 10, 2011 1:40 pm

Not on Hard Rain though. :)

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Re: The Real Deal

Post by Stevo » Fri Jun 10, 2011 2:15 pm

I thought vote kicks were supposed to ban the player from the session. :?

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Re: The Real Deal

Post by ShadyJane » Fri Jun 10, 2011 2:25 pm

Not sure about the vote kicks. He came back twice though so maybe he was a script kiddie circumventing something that was supposed to handle that.

Carpe, to your point, there is some weird appeal in pugging in L4D because it goes in tandem with the scenario – four strangers relying on each other. At the first level you’re teamed with a bunch of people you think are idiots. By the end you have a pretty good idea of the kind of gamer they are and vice versa.

I’m really looking forward to the next update with the three “new” campaigns.

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Re: The Real Deal

Post by l3eeron » Fri Jun 10, 2011 3:09 pm I must satisfy my sudden urge to play l4d2 after reading this.

BTW - I never thought of the whole "4 strangers idea" that you talked about. That definitely puts an interesting spin on the whole thing.

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Re: The Real Deal

Post by metacide » Fri Jun 10, 2011 3:35 pm


I did love the naming schema you created for them. That first bit really made me chuckle.

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Re: The Real Deal

Post by ShadyJane » Fri Jul 15, 2011 1:26 pm

I am looking for 2 skilled villuns to help Etchii and me do Expert Dark Carnival on realism tonight. Any takers?

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Re: The Real Deal

Post by MateoTheBold! » Sun Jul 17, 2011 1:29 am

I'm always willing for L4D2, so hit me up if you see me.

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Re: The Real Deal

Post by frostdillicus » Sun Jul 17, 2011 2:58 am

MateoTheBold! wrote:I'm always willing for L4D2, so hit me up if you see me.
He asked for SKILLED villuns.

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Re: The Real Deal

Post by ShadyJane » Mon Jul 18, 2011 10:04 am

Well I finally got Etchii through all of the expert campaigns. Dark Carnival 4 was such a pain! I also got Real Deal for myself on Swamp Fever. My pub teammates were a little annoyed with me as I was the only one who survived, but I finally got it.

Then the next day I tried expert/realism Dead Center with Etchii and we did that too! So he also has the real deal. For the finale, we brought 2 boomer biles, and we found ~7 more in the map. We basically kept throwing out biles continuously while we threw all of the gas cans next to the car without filling any up (to prevent tanks from spawning) until we has all 13. Then we filled all 13 at once and won. It took us like 3 minutes. It was awesome.

In a related story I am now obsessed with realism mode.

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Re: The Real Deal

Post by MateoTheBold! » Wed Jul 20, 2011 5:12 pm

ShadyJane wrote:Well I finally got Etchii through all of the expert campaigns. Dark Carnival 4 was such a pain! I also got Real Deal for myself on Swamp Fever. My pub teammates were a little annoyed with me as I was the only one who survived, but I finally got it.

Then the next day I tried expert/realism Dead Center with Etchii and we did that too! So he also has the real deal. For the finale, we brought 2 boomer biles, and we found ~7 more in the map. We basically kept throwing out biles continuously while we threw all of the gas cans next to the car without filling any up (to prevent tanks from spawning) until we has all 13. Then we filled all 13 at once and won. It took us like 3 minutes. It was awesome.

In a related story I am now obsessed with realism mode.
We need more stories from your pub crawls. Entertain us!

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Re: The Real Deal

Post by ShadyJane » Thu Jul 21, 2011 9:09 am

Oh I got a story for you. So earlier this week I joined a random Dark Carnival campaign on expert (no realism). We’re on the 3rd level and we fail pretty early on. Someone accidentally threw a gas can into another player’s line of fire and we all died. It was pretty funny actually because you could have never done it on purpose. However one guy quits when the map reloads. So we go through it all again and we’re just about to get out of the tunnel of love and a griefer joins the open spot. We didn’t realize he was a griefer right away because the bot was kinda far behind us when he joined. So this idiot starts running at us with guns blazing and we figure out what’s happening and we just start running from him. He gives chase and starts taunting us over the mic: “Where are you going? You can’t escape me! Oh you think you’re good?”. Blah blah blah. He was just laying it on so thick.

So he is catching up a bit because we have to kill the common infected to keep away, thus slowing us down, so we decide to go right to the coaster and start the event. We’re waiting for the gate to open and the griefer is nearly in range when a wild boomer appears. Basically we were able to kill the boomer in such a way that we got the griefer (and only the griefer) covered in bile and it was right as the gates opened up. Naturally he was surrounded almost instantly and ended up tanking the whole event for us. We ran through the whole thing without a lick of problems. Then right at the end we start mocking him by thanking him profusely for helping us get through the event: “Oh we couldn’t have done it without you! You helped us so much! Thanks for joining!”, etc. Then he rage quit and did not come back. It was more satisfying than I can describe here.

I’m not sure why we didn’t just kick him right away but I’m glad we didn’t.

Dead Air tomorrow!

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