Moving on with or without tf2

A forum dedicated to Team Fortress 2

Do you feel the same way as I do for tf2?

yes, I will be playing tf2 as the years go by
No, I will one day move on with my life without tf2
Jeez, after 1 day of not playing tf2, you're already sentimental
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Re: Moving on with or without tf2

Post by bluntspoon » Tue Jan 28, 2014 11:26 pm

I pre-ordered the Orange Box. The best $50 I have ever spent. The fact that over 6 years later I'm still enjoying games from it is astounding. It's saved me so much money from not buying other games it's stupid. At some point TF2 will go away, but not for a while I think. I've played a few other games, BF3, BL2, but nothing has even come close to holding my interest like TF2. I've taken breaks now and then, but keep coming back.

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Re: Moving on with or without tf2

Post by The Domer » Tue Jan 28, 2014 11:28 pm

bluntspoon wrote:I pre-ordered the Orange Box. The best $50 I have ever spent. The fact that over 6 years later I'm still enjoying games from it is astounding.
Ditto (except I didn't pre-order the Orange Box, but I did buy it just a month or so after it came out).

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Re: Moving on with or without tf2

Post by Gizanked » Tue Jan 28, 2014 11:42 pm

The Domer wrote:
bluntspoon wrote:I pre-ordered the Orange Box. The best $50 I have ever spent. The fact that over 6 years later I'm still enjoying games from it is astounding.
Ditto (except I didn't pre-order the Orange Box, but I did buy it just a month or so after it came out).

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Re: Moving on with or without tf2

Post by Earthworm James » Wed Jan 29, 2014 11:14 am

Does it count if I play TF2 up until TF3, and then play TF3 up to TF4?

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Re: Moving on with or without tf2

Post by Supreveio » Wed Jan 29, 2014 2:56 pm


No but really, I played QuakeWorld TF from around 1996 until roughly 2005 or so when all the servers on QuakeSpy/GameSpy died out and I moved over to Classic
Then I played Classic from 2005 to 2007 when Team Fortress 2 came out.

Point is, until TF2 is killed off for real by a successor, I can't see myself not playing it. Unless that stuff I said earlier happens.

God, I miss Quake. So many good mods. Rune Quake, ThreeWave CTF, Rocket Arena...
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Re: Moving on with or without tf2

Post by TheCarpe » Wed Jan 29, 2014 3:15 pm

Cat Square wrote:
Masakari wrote:I'll say to everyone who's claiming undying love towards TF2 - at least give some other games a shot. If you're spending money on cosmetic items, maybe save $10 of that to try a MP game like Awesomenauts. With a group of friends, damn near every game can be fun times no matter how bad the game actually is (See: Zero Gear)
im just not interested in other games. i used to be a gamer in the sense that id buy new pc games and try everything that came out, but ive never had gaming satisfaction like i have with tf2. i probably have more hours logged in tf2 than every other game ive ever played combined.
id rather just donate my 15 bucks every three months to this community than buy anything new, tf2+theville=gaming heaven
This is what Masakari is saying, though. Yeah, TF2 is a great game, and it's even better with great people, but it's not the only game out there. If you eat nothing but filet mignon, then that's great and you'd probably love it, but there's lots of other great foods out there to try. No one is saying you have to knowingly abandon TF2, just broaden your gaming horizons a bit. Your faithful TF2 will always still be there.
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Re: Moving on with or without tf2

Post by Plinko » Wed Jan 29, 2014 3:43 pm

I dunno, you rarely see people exhorting basketball players to give it up and try out other sports just because it's boring to focus mainly on one sport.
I started getting sick of video games as little linear button clicking and story dispensing machines years before TF2 even came out, but that's still a pretty big majority of what is released in the market.

TF2 just follows a bunch of other games that are not just trifles for consumption, but actual games that you can keep working at playing and getting better at pretty much as you want to. It's unlikely that I'll have a main game that's not TF2 until one that's clearly surpasses it comes along. I have no interest in DoTA for now, so it will be at least another cycle for me.
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Re: Moving on with or without tf2

Post by Guardian » Wed Jan 29, 2014 4:27 pm

I find TF2 is a game I can always come back to but it isn't my main game now. I've logged over 3000 hours probably into this game and done almost everything from camping as an engy on dustbowl, to trying out wacky custom maps and doing pick-up 6v6s. It's provided me with tons of entertainment and there's still some stuff I discover when I get back and there still isn't anything quite like it. But every game loses it's luster eventually and eventually you want to play something different.

I think TF2 will remain on my hard drive as something I play for a while but it isn't my main game anymore.

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Re: Moving on with or without tf2

Post by cam » Wed Jan 29, 2014 7:29 pm

I can see myself playing tf2 for quite a while longer. I've been playing since at least late 2009 (played maybe 100 hours a year or two after it came out but not really all that much) and I still love this game and most of that is because of this community. I've made so many friends playing here and I miss them when I can't play.
The Domer wrote:The only reason my TF2 play has slowed down is because I don't have as much time anymore. I was bored of the game for a while, but then I got into competitive TF2, which totally rejuvenated my love of the game.
So much this!

Playing competitive tf2 completely changed tf2 for me and now I get the best of both worlds: a goofy pan clanging adventure and a serious mode when I want to feel a sense accomplishment. The only regret that I have is that I didn't get into it sooner!

I wish theVille would ease up on the anti-competition rules and allow people to at least talk about and organize teams for UGC/competitive.

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Re: Moving on with or without tf2

Post by Cat Square » Wed Jan 29, 2014 8:31 pm

TheCarpe wrote:
Cat Square wrote:
Masakari wrote:I'll say to everyone who's claiming undying love towards TF2 - at least give some other games a shot. If you're spending money on cosmetic items, maybe save $10 of that to try a MP game like Awesomenauts. With a group of friends, damn near every game can be fun times no matter how bad the game actually is (See: Zero Gear)
im just not interested in other games. i used to be a gamer in the sense that id buy new pc games and try everything that came out, but ive never had gaming satisfaction like i have with tf2. i probably have more hours logged in tf2 than every other game ive ever played combined.
id rather just donate my 15 bucks every three months to this community than buy anything new, tf2+theville=gaming heaven
This is what Masakari is saying, though. Yeah, TF2 is a great game, and it's even better with great people, but it's not the only game out there. If you eat nothing but filet mignon, then that's great and you'd probably love it, but there's lots of other great foods out there to try. No one is saying you have to knowingly abandon TF2, just broaden your gaming horizons a bit. Your faithful TF2 will always still be there.
i know there are other fish in the sea, but this fish is perfect. tf2 offers everything ive ever wanted in a game - its multiplayer, i can jump in and out whenever i want, i can play as serious or as silly as i want, its never the same twice, and it never ceases to engage/challenge me. not only that, but i love the characters, customizations, voice lines, and general style of tf2, plus i get to play it with a bunch of fun players who also love the game and bring their own flavor to it. i suppose i could go game hunting and maybe come across a few titles that satisfy some of my gaming desires, but im sure for every decent title i will have found 10 games that are completely uninteresting to me. this raises the simple question: why bother? if it aint broke, dont fix it.

I am a mummy wrote: Playing competitive tf2 completely changed tf2 for me and now I get the best of both worlds: a goofy pan clanging adventure and a serious mode when I want to feel a sense accomplishment. The only regret that I have is that I didn't get into it sooner!
it makes me a little sad when people treat pubs like theyre unimprotant throwaway experiences, somehow less valuable than comp matches. i guess i just dont understand why people cant have fun challenging themselves, why does the challenge have to originate from an opponent?

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Re: Moving on with or without tf2

Post by Will T. » Wed Jan 29, 2014 8:56 pm

Cat Square wrote:i know there are other fish in the sea, but this fish is perfect. tf2 offers everything ive ever wanted in a game - its multiplayer, i can jump in and out whenever i want, i can play as serious or as silly as i want, its never the same twice, and it never ceases to engage/challenge me. not only that, but i love the characters, customizations, voice lines, and general style of tf2, plus i get to play it with a bunch of fun players who also love the game and bring their own flavor to it. i suppose i could go game hunting and maybe come across a few titles that satisfy some of my gaming desires, but im sure for every decent title i will have found 10 games that are completely uninteresting to me. this raises the simple question: why bother? if it aint broke, dont fix it.
Very much this. Finding something you like and sticking with it isn't a crime - in fact, isn't that *the* ultimate goal of life itself for most people? Changing it up can sometimes only serve to make a perfectly-refined system break down needlessly. Would you spend years getting into your dream job, work there for two years while loving every minute, then suddenly quit in order to take on a long string of horrible dead-end minimum-wage positions simply because "there are other things out there?"
Cat Square wrote:it makes me a little sad when people treat pubs like theyre unimprotant throwaway experiences, somehow less valuable than comp matches. i guess i just dont understand why people cant have fun challenging themselves, why does the challenge have to originate from an opponent?
It's just elitism, pure and simple. People declare arbitrary groups of people to be "beneath them" in order to inflate their own egos. It'd be nice if everyone could just get along... :( That's why I stick to the Ville for any and all online gaming!

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Re: Moving on with or without tf2

Post by Daff » Wed Jan 29, 2014 9:22 pm

TF2 + Ville = I will continue to play. :-D


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Re: Moving on with or without tf2

Post by cam » Wed Jan 29, 2014 9:55 pm

Cat Square wrote:
I am a mummy wrote:Playing competitive tf2 completely changed tf2 for me and now I get the best of both worlds: a goofy pan clanging adventure and a serious mode when I want to feel a sense accomplishment. The only regret that I have is that I didn't get into it sooner!
it makes me a little sad when people treat pubs like theyre unimprotant throwaway experiences, somehow less valuable than comp matches. i guess i just dont understand why people cant have fun challenging themselves, why does the challenge have to originate from an opponent?
Sorry, I didn't mean to make it sound like I put comp tf2 on a pedestal or anything like that! :?

I completely recognize that it isn't for everyone but I also know that it isn't the terrible trash talking crapfest that it has been made out to be.

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Re: Moving on with or without tf2

Post by NerevarineKing » Wed Jan 29, 2014 11:44 pm

I still love TF2 and it will always be one of my favorite games of all time, but 90% of the time I play the game, it makes me so frustrated that its not fun anymore. Maybe someday I'll come back to playing the game more regularly...
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Re: Moving on with or without tf2

Post by prang » Thu Jan 30, 2014 1:13 am

Will T. wrote:It's just elitism, pure and simple. People declare arbitrary groups of people to be "beneath them" in order to inflate their own egos. It'd be nice if everyone could just get along... :( That's why I stick to the Ville for any and all online gaming!

This is a pretty ignorant statement. Its a video game community so it suffers from the same young stupid competing male syndrome that every other community has to deal with but "competitive" TF2 is way more broad than just that. Competitive doesn't even need to be the tag word for the community. All it represents is that a bunch of people who want to play TF2 and try to achieve the map objectives are grouping up with people who want the same thing.

Whether its 4v4, 6v6, or Highlander the only difference for me between joining a comp game and a ville server is being able to predict the attitude of my teammates. Will the people I jump in to play with be interested in pushing the cart or standing on point? Will they watch my back if I'm holding a chokepoint? Is there any interest in talking to each other? If we get absolutely crushed do my teammates have any interest in learning what went wrong? Sometimes none of that matters but other times I want to hop on and have a more engaging experience.

I play at the Ville because of the times when a lot of regulars are on and the team is chatting to each other, both sides get their try-hard hats on, and the battle rages back and forth. I find it really fun and for a lot of people that is the embodiment of what makes the Ville such a cool community. I would argue that the Ville already has a bit of a "competitive" side but for a variety of reasons most of the Villuns are happy with dabbling in it here and have no interest in tackling the huge learning curve to get into more organized stuff.

Personally I don't see comp tf2 and pub tf2 as above or below each other. They are vastly different experiences but I have a ton of fun playing with loads of awesome people in both sides of the game.

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