Single Player Versus

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Single Player Versus

Post by TTHREAZ » Fri Mar 05, 2010 5:05 pm

So back before L4D2 came out, I tried playing some single player L4D Versus for fun and for some practice as Special Infected. There were a handful of console commands that you had to enter and you were the only SI at any given time unless you, of course, entered some more console commands to add more SI. It was a good way to get the feel of how the different SI handled and was an excellent way to practice those "instant incap spots" (like the drop to the cornfield on the Blood Harvest finale as a Smoker).

Now that L4D2 is here and there are even more SI to master, single player Versus is a good way to get acquainted with them. With the addition of the SI bots, it will feel *almost* like a real Versus game. The big downside is that there will be no coordination with your fellow SI as they will do what they are programmed to do. If it helps, just pretend they are all Bronze Fox doing his own thing and not cooperating. :lol:

With the new maps and new SI, it's an even bigger help for practicing incap or even instant death (yay Charger) spots.

So, you're probably asking yourself, "How can I practice some versus by myself so I can impress everyone with my mad Spitter skills next time we all play?"

1. Load L4D2

2. At the main menu screen, hit your console key (Allow Developer Console in Keyboard settings)

3. Type map [map name here] versus
- Map names are typically in a c#_m# format. C stands for Campaign and M stands for Map.
- The console will help you out with the map names. As you type, it will load matching results for you to look through and choose.

4. Once the map loads you will want to enter the following console commands:

sv_cheats 1
sb_all_bot_team 1

sv_cheats 1 will enable cheats on your "server". sb_all_bot_team 1 will make it so that the Survivor team can be all bot players. If you do not set this option, the game will shut down due to the lack of human controlled players.

5. You will either be on the Survivor team or the Infected team. If you are on the Survivor team, type z_spawn jockey into the console. This will spawn a Jockey in the safe room which the bots will quickly take care of. Once the Jockey has spawned, hit M and select Infected to change your team.

6. Wreak havoc!

* Be aware that, since the Survivors are controlled by bots, they will not trigger some events. There are some events, however, that they will trigger after a long time. You'll have to play it by ear and move on to the next map if they end up standing by an event trigger.

If you have any questions, let me know.
Last edited by TTHREAZ on Sun Mar 07, 2010 11:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by The Spanish Inquisition » Sat Mar 06, 2010 7:06 am

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Re: Single Player Versus

Post by TTHREAZ » Fri Mar 12, 2010 2:10 pm

I forgot to add that you can mess around with the survivors by spawning specific SI. To spawn an SI of your choice, type any of the following in the console:

z_spawn witch
z_spawn tank
z_spawn boomer
z_spawn hunter
z_spawn smoker
z_spawn jockey
z_spawn spitter
z_spawn charger

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Re: Single Player Versus

Post by TTHREAZ » Sun Mar 28, 2010 5:04 pm

So while playing some SP Vs. recently, I spawned a Jockey in order to go over to the SI team and noticed that the Jockey was stuck in something...


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Re: Single Player Versus

Post by TTHREAZ » Mon Apr 26, 2010 1:22 pm

[quote="TTHREAZ";p="229355"]* Be aware that, since the Survivors are controlled by bots, they will not trigger some events. There are some events, however, that they will trigger after a long time. You'll have to play it by ear and move on to the next map if they end up standing by an event trigger.[/quote]

I've noticed that there are some non-event places where the bots will bunch up and get stuck and there are two possible outcomes.

1. They will hang around the spot forever, regardless of what you do to them. If you pull them away from the spot, they will simply return to it. Lather, rinse, repeat. The one that really sticks out is the second story of the mall on Dead Center right before turning off the alarm. They hang out on the ledge of the second story and will not move on. You can Jockey them off, Charge them off and Smoke them off and they will go right back to where they were. There's not much you can do about this except practice killing them.

2. They will get stuck in a spot and not move on unless provoked and "shown the way". The spot that comes in mind is the construction site on The Passing 2 (in the water and mud). They will hang out in the mud near the stairs to the bar and will not move. The good thing about this spot, however, is that they will move on if you Smoke one out of the hole. They magically see the way and continue on.


3. I forgot to mention the most annoying one on The Passing 1. The bots will bunch up in the corner of the stone wall right before the passageway under the walkways leading to the second story of the buildings. What's frustrating is they won't move and your bot SI buddies will rip them to pieces. Eventually (and MAGICALLY), they will teleport up to the second level by the alarm car. For some reason, they refuse to enter the buildings and use the stairs. Unless you want to wait around for them to teleport, you can always practice your kickass Spitter patch aim or your Death Boomer From Above.

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Re: Single Player Versus

Post by TTHREAZ » Sat Dec 01, 2012 5:55 pm

Bump for the renewed interest in L4D2.

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