Horsing Around

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Boss Llama
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Horsing Around

Post by Boss Llama » Mon Oct 06, 2014 5:00 pm

Greetings all,

I am pleased to announce that Alizée's "Bunny Ranch" Horse Farm is opening for business, taking orders for custom bred horses to suit your needs.

How does it work?

This isn't an exact science, due to randomness added each time you breed a pair of horses. Basically, each horse has values for their various traits. When you breed them, the game adds together the trait values of the parents, plus those of a virtual (and random) "third parent" - then it divides by three, and those are the values for the offspring. This makes it difficult even with awesome stock to be sure you'll get what you want, but one can certainly sway the odds to be favored towards certain ends of the spectrum.

What are the traits?

There are four traits one can influence. Generally speaking, I can get any two traits to a reasonable level without excess trouble. More than that is a crapshoot.

Jumping: A horse will have a jump ability between 1.5 blocks and 5.5 blocks in height. Numbers above 4.5 are very rare.

Health: A horse will have between 8 and 15 full hearts. Numbers above 13 are rare.

Speed: A horse can have a huge range of speeds. These aren't easily measured except by stopwatch, and even that can be rough because it is affected heavily by lag. Still, I have a furlong (1/8th mile) track that I test speeds on repeatedly until I get enough of a repeated result to feel reasonably confidant. The slowest horse I've yet encountered did the lap in 40 seconds. The fastest did it in 13 seconds. Times faster than 16 seconds are very rare.

Color/Patten: There are seven colors and five patterns of horse, resulting in 35 "breeds" (though some are difficult to distinguish, due to color-on-color markings. Spoilered here is an image of the 35 types. This is the most difficult to control for if you care about other stats, simply because there are so many possibilities. If you'd like a horse cosmetically bred in a certain combo though, I can always try.

-From left right, I refer to the colors as: White, Grey, Black, Brown, Sorrel, Red, Buckskin.
-From back from front, I refer to the patterns as None, Socks and Blaze, Patches, Speckles, Polka Dots.
What does it cost?

I don't have a set price for horses. Depending what you're looking for, it might be very easy or very difficult to get. If you're holding out for a horse with stats better than the "rare" limits mentioned above, that is going to take a lot of time and effort, so I may ask a bit more. I do this for fun though, so nothing outlandish. I'm happy to take payment in name tags, horse armor, or iron ingots/ore - other means also negotiable. If you have a horse with an awesome stat I need, and are willing to let me breed a few foals from it, that also works!

Can I stable my horse with you?

Short term boarding of purchased horses is always available if you need a day or two before you're ready to pick it up. I have a large barn and can assign a stall, let you know the number, etc. If you're interested in longer term housing, such as keeping your horse at my facilities for occasional use, that will need to be checked in person. I am forever moving things around and expanding my stock, and will need to make sure space is available. A condition of stabling with me is that I get to use your horse for stud, if need be, for the creation of more horses. I won't otherwise ride it or use it, and it will be kept indoors.

Show me the parents!

I have two primary groups of horses: the breeding stock, and the main barn. The breeding stock are those I generally consider to have at least one trait at highly desirable levels, while the main barn tends to be more average horses. There can still be good things here and there with the main barn though, and if you're looking for specific color combinations, they definitely come in to play. I also have a couple donkeys in my herd, and can breed mules or additional donkeys on demand.

Breeding Stock
Main Barn
Speed Key:
For Breeding Stock, speed is listed in seconds for a furlong (lower number is faster). For Main Barn, speed is less rigorously tested and is approximately as follows:
Slow: 25 seconds or slower
Below Avg: 22-25 seconds
Average: 19-21 seconds
Above Avg: 17-18 seconds
Fast: 16 seconds or faster
-Boss Llama

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Re: Horsing Around

Post by Gizanked » Mon Oct 06, 2014 7:23 pm

This is kinda what I had planned on doing on the last server. Never got around to it and the amount of work you have put in to this is amazing.
the artist formerly known as Replica

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