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Map Findings for March 8

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 11:06 am
by Masakari
I think we should be looking at getting rid of either stovepipe or great_heights to try and reduce our number of payload maps on the server. A couple of findings:

cp_battlegrounds_b3 - A map with a cp_steel like gameplay in the fact that only the last point needs to be captured to win, and all other points simply affect gameplay in terms of layout, spawns, etc. Reviews of the map seem to say that the layout is good, which is good because that's the problem I always had with Steel.

cp_obscure_rc2 - As dirty as I feel for saying this, actually found it through CEVO's map lineup for their new season. It's a 5CP map Badlands style, except the time is reduced to 6 minutes max as opposed to ten, creating a sense of urgency. It seems to be very popular, and while a debatably risky choice I think it's worth a shot.

ctf_skybase_b2a - Cookie cutter style CTF map that Beeron suggested. It is very much like a VilePickle map, which is not too bad a thing at all.

cp_mainline_rc4 - Had this map a while back, and just recently got updated. Entire theme has changed (Again I might add...think this is the third time), and it's been overhauled again in terms of layout of a couple of the points and other areas.

I'm also going to once again going to bring up my eternal losing battle to remove toy_fort. I think it's the last map that the TF2maps community is still consider as a joke on a customs server, as it draws a different crowd than most customs and a lot of people who play toy_fort don't stay around for the next map. It is starting to slip in the map ratings a little bit, and it would be nice to get some new maps to replace it.

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 12:28 pm
by Plinko
Please please let's ditch great heights!
I love Stovepipe but it's also getting old - we've been running it since the iP kids thought they ran TV2, I wouldn't mind if we got rid of both.

Could we replace Toy Fort with Desertfortress for a while?
I can't look at TF2maps from work, I'll look at those from home.

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 12:51 pm
by Gizanked
as much as it pains me to say this, removing toy fort would make a lot of people mad and i don't know that we should do it.

Re: Map Findings for March 8

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 1:11 pm
by Stevo
They are all uploaded.

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 1:18 pm
by Gizanked
i'm working till 9 tonight, we wanna try to play test these tonight?

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 1:22 pm
by Masakari
But seriously, I bring up toy fort every time just to voice the side of people who don't like the map and want to see newer maps on there. I've already talked it over with Stevo and it'll stay on for now. If it does get less popular, then we can look at removing it.

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 1:32 pm
by Plinko
I should be able to get in around 9 or 10 tonight to give these a try.

The reason I suggested Desertfortress was because many of the people that drop in for Toy_Fort also like it, so we could trade out one for the other and not push out too many folks.

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 6:52 pm
by Boss Llama
Could we replace Toy Fort with Desertfortress for a while?

Yikes! Replacing the best map with the worst map? ::shudder:: No matter what happens to my beloved Toy Fort, I would still fight to keep Desert Fortress off.

Toy Fort is one of those maps that's cool because it's a unique style - it's our only rat map. The point has little to do with the 3cp's, and everything to do with the bizare nature of the setting, and that's one of the things you can only do on customs. Desert Fortress is a visually uninteresting CP-rocker built for snipers. Bleh.

Now then, I wouldn't necessarily object to replacing Toy Fort with another rat map, as it's the style I (and I think many others) enjoy about it, rather than any particular layout. FPSBanana had a rat map contest less than a year ago, and there are a pair of well rated ones there that I'd be wholly open to trying out: Rats Tequila and CP_Toys. Be advised, Tequila is a huge file, because of the large number of custom textures.

Re: Map Findings for March 8

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 6:58 pm
by Flobee
Toy Fort is one of my favourite maps on TV2. :cry:

I'm all for getting rid of Great Heights, I've hated that map since the dawn of time (or you know, since it came onto the server) and Stovepipe, well, it could use some time off.

I had a very quick look at a few of the maps you suggested.

First impressions are Obscure looks great, and so does the new, revamped for the 90th time Mainline. Battlegrounds, on the other hand, is as you might say Masakari: incredibly confusing and infuriating.

I hope I'm wrong about it though. I hope I end up being wrong about ANY new custom that I dislike on first impression.