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8+ player l4d2 mods-thoughts?

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 1:46 pm
by Fox_Blaze
As the title said, I am curious as to what you all think about mods and plug-ins or sorts (pardon my misuse of some terms) that raise the maximum players beyond 8, such as Super Versus or Left 4 Downtown.

My father recently changed his BF3 server into a l4d2 server as he had a falling out and wanted to try a new game. As one who tends to go overboard with things, and thinks after a few days of research is convinced that certain mods and or add ons are the end all be all. He knows nothing about the games, I had to explain what Survival was to him earlier, and he seemed completely dumbfounded. I've had to get it through his head that vanilla is probably the way to go in his situation as to not discourage him away from a truly great game.

I don't know. I am a little annoyed with some of the conclusions he's made with 20 player l4d2 mods, because having that many players honestly defeats the purpose of the novelty of the 4 in "Left '4' Dead".

What are your thoughts on such mods like this?

Re: 8+ player l4d2 mods-thoughts?

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 2:16 pm
by Checkm8
I'd try it but I am sure that I'd get annoyed of more than one jockey trying to hump me. Plus a lot of these maps can be to pipelined in places for that many people. Again, it's definitely something that I'd have to try first. Also, it seems that the l4d2 crowd is slowly dwindling here but I don't know if that speaks for the entire l4d2 community.

Re: 8+ player l4d2 mods-thoughts?

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 3:01 pm
by Boss Llama
My personal thoughts are that plug-ins/mods need to die - a vanilla/plain/legit server is critical to having a good time in most cases. Plugins tend to ruin the game, because so few of them are balanced - they're pretty much all just designed to make the game easier for people who can't handle the real thing; more ammo, more health, movement while incapped, enemy health meters, etc.

As far as just having more than the default number of people. that's not quite like the same as the others, but it still harms balance. The maps are designed for the movement of 4 people and 4 SI, firepower of 4 people and 4 SI, timing of 4 people and 4 SI, etc. A campaign with 20 people, or an 8v8 versus, might be fun as a novelty, but I would never want to play that sort of thing instead of a real game.

Re: 8+ player l4d2 mods-thoughts?

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 3:20 pm
by frostdillicus
Only time I have liked mods is when playing the Helm's Deep survival map. There were a few that make it interesting. Seeing tank health was amusing, if completely unnecessary. There were a few others that were interesting, but I don't remember what they were.

Anything that raises the max amount of players is dumb imo. Same with things that change major mechanics, but I don't think I need to reiterate this as Al already did a fine enough job of expressing a similar sentiment to the one I have.

Re: 8+ player l4d2 mods-thoughts?

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 4:03 pm
by Zork Nemesis
Sort of defeats the purpose when you have eight survivors, more people who can assist in times of panic or stress, and the director won't scale zombie hordes to overwhelm 8 of them on it's own.

Besides, the VS scene appears to be on the decline around here, I don't remmeber the last Ville vs match I played.

Re: 8+ player l4d2 mods-thoughts?

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 6:25 pm
by Soup Nazi

Re: 8+ player l4d2 mods-thoughts?

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 9:36 pm
by metacide
I also dislike the 8+ idea for all the reasons previously stated. The only mod that I like is the one where you can take your pills/shot when you are on the ground. That just makes sense to me, though it does make the game a lot easier I feel which is a bit lame.

Re: 8+ player l4d2 mods-thoughts?

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2013 6:32 am
by DLR.O Ken
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Re: 8+ player l4d2 mods-thoughts?

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2013 8:37 am
by black_and_blue
My opinion of mods in general is that they CAN be good provided that the players who connect to them know exactly what they're getting into, but are almost always very bad when people are taken by surprise.

I'd love to try something like the All Survivors Project, but at the same time I find it very annoying when I do a quick search for a server and end up being placed in a server where all the healthpacks have been replaced by pills.

Re: 8+ player l4d2 mods-thoughts?

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2013 9:32 am
by gator
necro'ing those 22 month old threads.

Re: 8+ player l4d2 mods-thoughts?

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2013 10:01 am
by Cpt._Keyes
Is this fool serious almost 2 years old and he creates an account just to resurrect it... walk on out