What's your favorite zombie?

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My favorite zombie is...

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What's your favorite zombie?

Post by Darklightr » Tue Jul 13, 2010 2:08 pm

What's your favorite kind of zombie? This doesn't just have to be L4D or L4D2 zombies. You can bring in zombies from other games, such as RPG games, for example, Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, or from RTS games, or even FPS games... All are welcome!
And, I'm even welcoming something new to the zombie world (I'm making it's world premier), a hybrid zombie!
Your choose 3 or 4 zombies from various games, or the same game, doesn't matter, and put them together, and we imagine it, and tell our idea's here, in this thread! (this should get interesting =P)

Now, I'll start with this new zombie-dedicated thread (I know, I know, this whole Forum is dedicated to zombies, but I just got more specific :D)

Now, before I start, I'm gonna name a couple of zombie types, not including any zombie concoctions you come up with. Well, here I go, diving into the dark room, not knowing what lies ahead. All you here is the slight murmur of some sentient life....

So, there are many types of zombies, but there are two general categories that I out them in: Fast and slow.

Now, each category had its advantages for killing, and eventually eating, us. But, each one also has its disadvantages, too.
I'm going to start with the fast zombies.


Fast zombies are generally they ones that you see in new age media. Why? Because people like to see us (humans) running from something that can be killed in less than a second. But, only with the right equipment. I'm not going into my Zombie Survival Guide in this thread... Maybe some other time.
Anyway, back to zombies. Fast zombies are good for many things, like chasing after the poor chaps who think there is a place to run. Poor, poor imbeciles...
Anyways, there are also some zombies that are that are mutilated in some way, and fast. For example, HEADLESS ZOMBIES. =)
Then, of course, the special infected, as Valve likes to call them. They could be anything, ranging from a pouncing zombie, to one that pulls you in toward him/her/it the die, using his elongated tongue. As you see, fast zombie are the clear choice, right? Well, we shall see.


Slow zombies aren't generally current, unless they are "special". Slow zombie are usually in older movies. When I say "older", I mean like Edgar Allen Poe old. (Lol, I made a joke xD)
So, slow zombies aren't in demand right now. So what? There are plenty of special slow zombies, right? Right. They include one that pukes on you, attracting a massive horde of mindless, common zombies, who seem to come out of thin air.
Then, there are those who like to jump on your back, and start to bite, gnaw and rip apart your neck. And, there are some who spit burning goo, or acid, at you from great distances.

And, a little side note, there are some zombies that both slow and fast. They normally walk, relatively slow. but when they start into a run, they can get dangerously fast. One zombie type (known as the charger) even has a mutant-arm (very big, with big hand) which he uses to smash you into the ground a few times to incapacitate you.

Now, only one more thing: Special Zombies.
I will name all of the special infected that I know, and attempt to explain it's good attributes, and bad ones. Also, i will explain my hybrid zombie.

The most common of the special infected, it can pounce at it's target at over 30 feet away. It deals a small amount damage fast, which makes this zombie the generic of all the special zombies. Rank: 7.5/10


The second most common of the special infected, it is slow, and easy to kill. It looks likes an undead skin for Fat Bastard, so it doesn't look very scary. Until it shows its secret weapon: its own bile, which attracts the zombie horde, which is very dangerous if you are caught by yourself. Rank: 6/10


The metaphorical jockey of the zombie world, a Jockey is a very agile, jumping special. This hyper zombie (probably has ADHD by the way it moves, jumps, and grunts) will jump on your back and gnaw at your neck until you drop from blood lose, and eventually die. While relatively easy to kill, it can dodge attacks by just walking away, or "lunging" to safety. Rank: 6/10


This is a very tall, very revolting zombie, if you take a really close to its face. It's special zombie ability is its elongated tongue to pull you to it. It wraps around the victims neck and collar bone, and drags them to their doom. This zombie is pretty easy to kill, as long at you hit it. Rank: 6.5/10

http://img508.imageshack.us/img508/2189 ... kervc6.jpg

This female zombie (notice its shirt, kinda saggy though O.o) can spit burning goo, or acid, or whatever floats your boat. but the thing that is similar between all those, is it hurts. A lot. It does so much damage to you, that if you don't get out in 5 seconds, you incapacitated. Overall, easy to kill, and generally pretty common to see around the game. Rank: 7.75/10


This zombie looks like every other common infected, except it has a really big right arm and hand! It can also run very fast, so it can knock down a group of (stupid) Survivors (who don't have enough sense to move out of the way, when they hear, and eventually [or hopefully] see a big zombie charging their way). Once this massive zombie has a good hold on an unfortunate Survivor, it will never let go. It will just keep pounding you in the ground 'til he has some human pancakes. Yuum!!
Rank: 7.5/10


What is there to say about the tank? Well, it can run through the Survivors better than a Charger. It can do more damage than a Spitter, and it can attack from father distances than the Smoker. Yes, the Tank is the ultimate killing zombie. Combined with super-human strength, massive muscles (HE SO DEEZED!!) and a lot of health, just looking at this M1A2 Abrams of a zombie will scare you out of your panties. Official Rank: 9/10


I don't know how to explain how awesome the witch is... She is unable to play in-game, because she is just too powerful (more-so than that of the tank!). It just walks around, or sits down, crying. But if you disturb this creature, be ready, because one hit will send you to your knees. Rank: 100,000,000,000/10 :)


Now, for my favorite part, the hybrid..

My zombie includes the ability to fly, and it has claws, just about 2 1/2'' smaller than the witches, and is stronger than the Tank, but weaker than the Witch.
It has demon horns, and has teeth that can chew through diamonds.

Enjoy, Villuns, and get creative! I want to see you guys your imaginations at work! ENJOY =)
Thanks, Blah! I owe you one!

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Re: What's your favorite zombie?

Post by metacide » Fri Jul 16, 2010 3:19 pm

I voted for hybrid, mostly because my favorite zombie combines the whole "completely dead (again)" aspect with the "I'm still alive" aspect.

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Re: What's your favorite zombie?

Post by Darklightr » Fri Jul 16, 2010 4:17 pm

cool :D
Thanks, Blah! I owe you one!

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Re: What's your favorite zombie?

Post by SecksyManNips » Fri Jul 23, 2010 12:06 pm

I love L4D to pieces, but I've never been too big on the special infected idea. They're really awesome 'n all, but I prefer my zombie tales to be nice and old fashioned. The usual...plain zombies running about, gnawing on peoples flesh, ones, haha. ( I am quite fond of the witch and hunter, however. A hybrid of the two would be a tough opponent. >:3 )

I just got done reading a book called "Feed" by Mira Grant, I really like how she's portrayed zombies. T ^ T I can't wait for the second one to come out...

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Re: What's your favorite zombie?

Post by Darklightr » Fri Jul 23, 2010 2:23 pm

rlly? huh... gotta look it up sometime
Thanks, Blah! I owe you one!

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Re: What's your favorite zombie?

Post by KapitaenM » Mon Nov 15, 2010 12:17 am

I would omit the whole special infected, actually.

Very classical zombie, that's my type. Everything else seems too superhuman to be a subhuman, if that is how one sees a zombie.
You see, I like the idea of the zombie superorganism, a collective so massive that despite the weakness of each of its members, the collective will almost always win through body mass and attrition.

I guess you could call it a "Max Brooks" zombie.

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Re: What's your favorite zombie?

Post by BigBiker05 » Mon Nov 15, 2010 1:34 am

I voted fast. Like in the 28 series (days/weeks). In my theory, if/when zombies happen it will be somewhat like that. Not an undead zombie thing, but infected. The case would be some sort of parasite uses the human body as a host. The host loses all brain function and resorts to natural reflexes. Eating and attacking. The parasite then burns the muscular mass for above human powers. This would be similar to how some drugs can make a person do incredible things, but nearly die shortly after. So yeah, a fast zombie. Then again, not really favorite just the ones I believe in.

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Re: What's your favorite zombie?

Post by KapitaenM » Thu Nov 18, 2010 12:51 pm

I went and drew up a set/subset diagram, hoping to get ideas to classify the different types of "zombie", whether they have improved (super) abilities, are "daimon", etc.
Using cultural examples for elements. :3

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