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Re: Payload Pointers

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 2:47 pm
by TheCarpe
"This Server is TV4 - Customs"

:cry: :cry:

Also, Cave.

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 2:58 pm
by Guardian
Ahhh I remember cave.


I also remember when you resurrected it once but to annoy me.

The day we sent it to the fiery depths of the waste bin was a good one indeed. Still it does spark memories of where I jump through that hole as a red pyro and snuck up behind the blues to burn them all ^_^.

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 6:05 pm
by mr_s
If the cart is moving back, throw yourself at it! You may die a horrible bloody death, but you've saved precious seconds for your team. It takes 30 seconds of inactivity for a cart to begin moving backwards, and it boggles my mind when i see us lose several feet of track when nobody will touch the cart. You only need to touch it for a split second and you'll be saving your team a lot of trouble. This isn't sudden death, I guarantee you will respawn, and you'll be making a noble sacrifice for your team.

I cannot stress this enough

Re: Payload Pointers

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2009 7:50 am
by The Spanish Inquisition
I've recently discovered that the cart gives you magical powers to slowly cause brain tumors to grow in your neighbors noisy chihuahua. Touching the cart once or so every 30 seconds allows you to mentally send out brain tumor waves to that noisy little thing. There's no confirmed results yet but I'm pretty sure it's working as I am satisfied so far with the acceptable noise level as of late.

You see, the sub-pilialcampus part of the dogs brain controls "yipping" behavior and cart induced brain tumor waves only affect anterior lobe pilialcampus having animals like the common chihuahua. How I came about this discover was from decades of research and good ol gumption. Currently, cart tumor waves can be sent out about the same range as home wifi and so far have taken two years to develop symptoms in the target animal. The exact details are being discussed with my lawyer and valve regarding patent, marketing and third party licenses in order to keep the magical cart as the goose that lays the golden egg of "noisy chihuahua mind crushing ability." I'm sharing this knowledge with you in the good spirit of science and to give hope to others so inflicted with NNCS (noisy neighbor's chihuahua syndrome) with earnest that they too will "push the cart" for a cure.