TV12 DoD:S Alternating Format

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Re: TV12 DoD:S Alternating Format

Post by Squirrel » Tue Apr 14, 2009 1:47 pm

Well then lets get on there and get them suckers rated :)

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Post by v.o.c » Tue Apr 14, 2009 1:49 pm

how about trying map votes, say 2 votes with 5 stock maps, which excludes the last 2 maps played then the 3rd vote is custom maps then when the custom votes come around again it excludes the last 2 customs played. that way the server is mainly stock maps to bring in traffic but every 3rd map is custom. or is that way to complicated.
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Re: TV12 DoD:S Alternating Format

Post by DeafOfficeWorker » Tue Apr 14, 2009 2:06 pm

[quote="Stevo";p="165950"]I moved the stock rotation schedule to start on Sunday so half the weekend runs stock maps. [/quote]

So, customs are Thurs.- Sat.?

[quote="Stevo";p="165950"]...but filling the player slots is not always the goal. The main purpose of the DoD:S server at this point is to offer a server for the local community to enjoy. [/quote]

That almost brought a tear to me eye. Thank you for this.

[quote="Plinko";p="165680"]Yes, a new custom map will always drive a few people away...[/quote]

I contend the same is true for maps like Avalanche. A couple of diehard loyal DoD:S villuns specifically told me to resend the invite after Ava was over.

However, I must concede that there are some really crappy customs out there.

[quote="CastleDoctrine";p="165658"]DOW, am I 1337 forum h0r yet?[/quote]

Impressive. Most impressive.

You still have much to learn, padawan, but I like the cut of your jib. If you would have thrown in a random .jpg or embedded youtube, it would've definitively won the day.


Carry on. You make me very proud. :)

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Post by Plinko » Tue Apr 14, 2009 2:11 pm

I contend the same is true for maps like Avalanche. A couple of diehard loyal DoD:S villuns have specifically told me to resend the invite after Ava was over.[/quote]

I think we're making the same point, that losing a few people to a custom here and there is not necessarily a big deal.

I like the new plan, thanks, Stevo!
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Re: TV12 DoD:S Alternating Format

Post by Squirrel » Tue Apr 14, 2009 2:12 pm

I contend the same is true for maps like Avalanche. A couple of diehard loyal DoD:S villuns have specifically told me to resend the invite after Ava was over.[/quote]
That's not true. Its a very popular map. I'm also sick of it, but it does keep the server full for some reason, look at the graph.
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Re: TV12 DoD:S Alternating Format

Post by DeafOfficeWorker » Tue Apr 14, 2009 2:26 pm

That's not true. Its a very popular map. I also sick of it, but it does keep the server full for some reason, look at the graph.[/quote]

It is true. Whether the graph shows whatever, some folks loathe Avalanche and will drop or refuse to join when it's on. That is a fact.

Allow me to retort using the votes.

Avalanche received more "Terrible" votes than any other map on the list, stock or custom. It is not a popular map with everyone. In fact, it is clearly the most hated map for some.

Regarding the graph, I would also point out that, for whatever reason, avalanche is running most of the time when I join the server. So is it really popular, or just what happens to be running at the time?

I would like to see the stats on which map has the most run time on the server. I'd be willing to bet Avalanche has it by a landslide.

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Post by E.T. EddieTorrez » Tue Apr 14, 2009 2:48 pm

One more idea to throw into the mix. Many times I have seen the server lose many people simply because the teams are very lopsided(skill wise). While it is common for players to /ragequit, quite often villains get fed up and move on. Its easy to see that once the regulars leave everyone else deserts. Would it be possible for the server to feature some sort of team shuffle if one team wins two consecutive games in under 2 minutes?(Or something similar)
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Post by LadeeeDuke » Tue Apr 14, 2009 3:00 pm

Just wanted to tell Stevo how much I really have appreciated the attention he is giving to DODS. It really is fun to have mix of the old and new maps. I also love the idea of maprating!

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Post by DeafOfficeWorker » Tue Apr 14, 2009 3:00 pm

[quote="E.T. EddieTorrez";p="165972"]One more idea to throw into the mix. Many times I have seen the server lose many people simply because the teams are very lopsided(skill wise). While it is common for players to /ragequit, quite often villains get fed up and move on. Its easy to see that once the regulars leave everyone else deserts. Would it be possible for the server to feature some sort of team shuffle if one team wins two consecutive games in under 2 minutes?(Or something similar)[/quote]

The only problem is that other players ragequit when the teams are shuffled. Shuffling teams causes players to leave more than anything else. I don't know why it's so irritating, but apparently it is.

From what I can tell, most of the "skill" is amongst ville regulars. We should all just try harder to keep the teams fair, IMHO.

I always choose "auto select" for team choice, but it's not uncommon to see one team stacked up with villuns against pubbers. We should really try to avoid that.

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Re: TV12 DoD:S Alternating Format

Post by gator » Tue Apr 14, 2009 3:29 pm

I would like to see the stats on which map has the most run time on the server. I'd be willing to bet Avalanche has it by a landslide.[/quote]

While not runtime, I think kills is probably a close enough approximation.

I wouldn't say a landslide, but clearly ava/kalt/donner have the most kills, which makes sense.

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Post by gator » Tue Apr 14, 2009 3:37 pm

Once we get through rating all the maps, it shouldn't be hard to come up with a good set of 6-12 customs that can draw people in. If they're well designed customs, it shouldn't be too difficult to at least half fill a server with them.

It'd be awesome if we could find good remakes of some of the DOD 1.3 maps, but I have no clue if they exist... ones like Glider, Zalec, Sturm.

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Re: TV12 DoD:S Alternating Format

Post by DeafOfficeWorker » Tue Apr 14, 2009 3:46 pm

I found this interesting: ... &game=dods

If you look at the times when the server is uninhabited, Avalanche and Kalt run for much longer times than the other maps. Avalanche has the most run time, but Kalt is reasonably close as second.

As I said before, the only thing that fills that server is villuns. Without us, the server never sees any action from the outside. The map doesn't have anything to do with it, IMHO. If we have 8 or more villuns playing, they will come.

Therefore, it is logical to me that we should concern ourselves with the maps this community wants to play instead of worrying about abstracts and perceptions.

It'd be awesome if we could find good remakes of some of the DOD 1.3 maps, but I have no clue if they exist... ones like Glider, Zalec, Sturm.[/quote]

We played Flugplatz for Source the other night. I loved it, but I really liked the 1.3 version too.

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Re: TV12 DoD:S Alternating Format

Post by Stevo » Tue Apr 14, 2009 3:51 pm

Well Avalanche, Donner, and Kalt run for 45 minutes, while the other stocks run for 20 or 30. The first post lists the maps and their time.

Also, I forgot to mention that I replaced Anzio with Jagd. We'll see how that works.

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Re: TV12 DoD:S Alternating Format

Post by DeafOfficeWorker » Tue Apr 14, 2009 4:14 pm

[quote="Stevo";p="165989"]Well Avalanche, Donner, and Kalt run for 45 minutes, while the other stocks run for 20 or 30. The first post lists the maps and their time.

Also, I forgot to mention that I replaced Anzio with Jagd. We'll see how that works.[/quote]

I like Jagd. TnT map, right? There's some achievements connected with that, I think.

I don't know how I missed that information in the first post, but why is that Stevo?

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Re: TV12 DoD:S Alternating Format

Post by CastleDoctrine » Tue Apr 14, 2009 4:44 pm

Let us give Stevo's new custom/stock weekly ratio a go! Thanks again for your efforts in this area Stevo. Glad to see a Detonation map in the rotation. Sad to see Anzio go but I'll deal with the withdrawal symptoms in my own way. :drinking:

As I see it, the sooner we get in there and rate as many customs as we can, the sooner we can pare them down to the best maps. Then, perhaps we can try what V.O.C. proposes in terms of a well crafted map voting menu.

Oh, and in regard to team balance and rage quitting: Is there a way to auto-balance the teams if a good chunk of one tires of combat and deserts in the face of the enemy? I don't mean team scramble, just evening the numbers. I usually do what I can manually but was wondering if it could be automated.

[quote="DeafOfficeWorker";p="165961"][quote="CastleDoctrine";p="165658"]DOW, am I 1337 forum h0r yet?[/quote]Impressive. Most impressive.

You still have much to learn, padawan, but I like the cut of your jib. If you would have thrown in a random .jpg or embedded youtube, it would've definitively won the day.


Carry on. You make me very proud. :)[/quote]Why does this seem like the correspondence between Dr. Lector and the Red Dragon? :afraid:

Perhaps that analogy is appropriate. :twisted:
Last edited by CastleDoctrine on Tue Apr 14, 2009 5:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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