Kickstarter Games

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Boss Llama
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Kickstarter Games

Post by Boss Llama » Sat Oct 11, 2014 12:11 pm

Howdy all! I've recently been on a Kickstarter kick (no pun intended), and have been throwing money at a number of different titles that look interesting. Most of them are small retro/indy type stuff, but I'm interested to see how some they turn out. I figure if I contribute to enough, there'll be a couple disappointments, a bunch of normal stuff, and a couple of gems that I'm delighted by.

I'm wondering if anybody else has been recently contributing to KickStarter games? Here's what I'm currently involved in:

Kickstarters still going on:

-Chosen Space - An open world space MMO, rebooting a previous successful title with a new engine (by the original devs). It does seem like it's largely based around factions and territory combat, but there are ways for individuals to freeboot through life (which is what I tend to do in such situations). I contributed at a level that there should be a "Legendary" starship (which I believe I shall name "The Maebelle") floating around in space, full of goodies for adventurers to find. Also, I get to design some star systems, at least one of which I plan to make Ville-themed.

-Retro Pixel Castles - Somewhere between Banished, Dwarven Fortress, and a tower defense, with graphics a bit like the first Warcraft. It's a village survival game, meant to be unwinnable. You will die and get wiped out, but it's a question of how long you can last. I contributed at a level where I get to contribute a unique monster idea to the game. I hope to be able to make it an evil (possibly vampiric) billy-goat, that can hop over defenses.

-That Which Sleeps - a TBS where you play as an ancient evil/old one who is slowly awakening, and attempting to subvert the world to your power through subtle means, to avoid alerting too many nations and heroes before you are powerful enough to destroy them. I haven't contributed at a content creation level, as it's pretty pricey to do so, but the temptation is there. It would be fun to create a secret society, disguised as a mere union of goat herders, that actually seeks to defeat or assist the evil player.

Kickstarters that are closed - anybody else join these?:

-Star Traders 2 - A space RPG, where you play as an independent captain trading and building in outer space, undertaking missions and building a crew. I have naming rights to a couple of people and places in this game, though the specifics are not yet available about exactly what types of people/places those are.

-Judged - I'm pretty sure this is inspired by Papers, Please. It's a very similar concept, but you are the judge in a courtroom, and are hearing cases. You make determinations of innocence and guilt based on evidence presented, and your own ability to compare things like fingerprints and documents. You progress by having a low rate of a successful appeals (wrong determinations) and move up to higher and higher court positions as you do so.

-Noct - A bit of Diablo, a bit of Lovecraft. Post apocalyptic combat scavenging game, played top-down arcade style, through an IR camera view.

-Reassembly - More space! You design and assemble your ship, travel space seeking resources and scavenging parts. Fight other players for resources and knowledge with which to improve your technology, so you can enhance or rebuild your ship. Assemble space stations to defend important points, add armor and weapons, it's the combat version of KSP (with way chunkier graphics and minimal physics).

-Phoenix Dawn - A story-driven exploration RPG, with magic and monsters. You don't choose a class or a spell set, you construct it as you grow by devoting your experience, research, and training to various elements that combine in different ways.

-Loop - A very simple puzzle game, you simply click to rearrange tiles and make all the loops line up. The sort of game that you can play for five minutes to chill out when you don't have time or the inclination to get involved in a bigger game.

-CodeSpells - One of several programs recently under development to encourage the understanding of programming and simple coding. This game lays bare the code for all of its spells and effects, and you develop new spells for yourself by learning, rearranging, combining, or outright rewriting the code elements themselves. You can exchange the spells with friends, fight others, and use them to explore/experience the world.
-Boss Llama

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Re: Kickstarter Games

Post by The Domer » Sat Oct 11, 2014 2:48 pm

Some of the games you linked to seem really neat. Personally, I'm not a fan of backing games on kickstarter, but I do like to hear about really creative and promising new games.

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Re: Kickstarter Games

Post by Jesus_Faction » Sat Oct 11, 2014 3:46 pm

With the glut of failed KS video games lately, I doubt I'll be backing anything on KS for sometime now.

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