Kerbal Space Program

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Re: Kerbal Space Program

Post by Greebo » Wed Oct 23, 2013 6:08 am

I love that image Kilgore!
By complete and utter coincidence I just saw my own in game eclipse for the first time too!

So I was doing a mission to get as much science as I possibly could. I recently watched one of Manley's videos and picked up the tip from him that to maximise you science for a mission, there are basically 3 areas per planet/moon to do them in: High orbit, low orbit and surface (I'm sure there are multiple surface missions depending on whether or not biomes have been enabled for the planet too). The boundary between high and low orbit varies per planet as far as I can tell.
Assuming you have access to solar panels, you can do all you experiments multiple times in the 3 zones, sending back results between each set of experiments and you'll get an absolute ton of science for your missions.

With that in mind, Jebediah took off from Kerbin and immediately did low orbit experiments followed by high orbit experiments around the planet.
That done he headed off to Minmus for the missions one planned landing. Did experiments in high orbit, low orbit and on the surface, then took off for the Mun.
He thought long and hard about landing on the Mun but ultimately was talked out of it and only did the high and low orbit experiments, then headed home.

As he entered the atmosphere for the final time (there was a lot of aero-breaking involved), he decided to pack away the solar panels to keep them safe for landing. As he pushed the button to stow the first one he noticed a strange read-out that said 'Blocked by Mun', which was odd because he wasn't at the Mun!
So he stuck his head out of the window to find the Mun, and saw this:
More pictures were taken on the way down:
Jebediah was so moved by this that he almost thought that spending many many days cooped up in a tin can was worth it.

The science from the mission convinced him it was definitely worth it! (probably would have gotten more if I hadn't already done some experiments in/around Kerbin, Minmus and the Mun before this mission)

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Re: Kerbal Space Program

Post by KAMIKAZE MadMax » Thu Aug 13, 2020 3:35 pm

I've been playing for about a year on console and about 6 months on PC. I love this game, and it is one of my current addictions. What's everyone's crowning achievements on here?

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Re: Kerbal Space Program

Post by M's » Thu Aug 13, 2020 6:43 pm

Been playing around with our Ark server. As well as War Thunder

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Re: Kerbal Space Program

Post by ADevilishPotato » Sun Aug 16, 2020 3:04 am

I'd have to say putting Com Sats everywhere to the point I had no communication dead zones in the whole solar many... circularization burns....
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Re: Kerbal Space Program

Post by KAMIKAZE MadMax » Sun Aug 16, 2020 12:37 pm

Mine is my first space station and learning how to rendezvous without help or anything. It was such a great feeling when I docked for the first time.

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Re: Kerbal Space Program

Post by ADevilishPotato » Sun Aug 16, 2020 10:25 pm

Yeah I still remember how tense and good that first time was and learning why parking orbits of 100K are so much better than parking orbits just over the 70K karmen line if you plan to ever dock it...
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Re: Kerbal Space Program

Post by KAMIKAZE MadMax » Sun Aug 16, 2020 10:43 pm

Yeah. I absolutely love anything space related, especially since my birthday falls on a very significant date "for mankind." Yeah, my next goal is going to Duna, and eventually Eve. I cannot wait for KSP2.

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