Real Escape Game

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Real Escape Game

Post by CoyoteCreed » Sat Dec 21, 2013 12:24 am

For anyone who's enjoyed any of those classic, usually Flash-based online "escape-from-the-room" games like Crimson Room, I wanted to mention a company called SCRAP. They put on real-life versions of those games, and they're a hell of a lot of fun. SCRAP started in Japan, but they've started franchises in other cities. There's now a well-established franchise in San Francisco, and they've recently begun franchises in Los Angeles and Seattle.

For those who aren't familiar, the general premise of this genre is that you find yourself in a locked room with various items and/or furniture, and you have to search the room for tools and solve puzzles you encounter to figure out how to escape. Often, you learn why you were in the room or whatever backstory the game might have along the way.

A few of SCRAP's games replicate this experience exactly; it's just you and your friends in a locked, furnished room with crazy puzzles everywhere. Many of their games have ~20 teams in a large room playing at once in a giant frenzy. There's always an emcee, a story, and lots of atmosphere.

I just played one of their small-room games, "Escape from the Time Travel Lab", in San Francisco with family and friends today, and they paid me $25 to advertise them here I wanted to spread the love. Their website is
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