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Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2015 11:50 pm
by metacide
The game has robbed us again!

I've gotten use to random things showing up in my inventory and random things being forever lost from my inventory for little to no reason. I've even gotten use to having to kill the Wall of Flesh every bloody time I want to actually use my extra item slot.

This time though, after 30 minutes of work BlackHawk and I manage to summon and, yes, eventually kill the Moon Lord! Hurray! his death animation had started but a laser from one of the eyes got *SUPER* lucky and manage to kill the both of us.

Moon Lord unspawns. Even though he had 0 life and was in the Death Animation. He unspawns. No treasure bag for us.

Such anger!

Re: Robbed!

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 6:29 am
by Boss Llama
Gah! That is incredibly lame. Sorry to hear :-/ I understand why boss mobs vanish when everybody dies, but it would be nice if they would put that trigger at the moment of 0hp, rather than when they complete their death animations.