How will we handle Villun PvP?

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How will we handle Villun PvP?

Post by TheCarpe » Thu Mar 28, 2013 10:28 am

So anyone who's played Day Z knows that PvP is an extremely important aspect of the experience, without which the game would be much less intense and fun. This presents a bit of a problem with the Ville mentality of teamwork and cooperation. The way I see it, we have three directions we could go with our new server:

Villun Alliance - All the Villuns band together, share, and survive as one.
Villun Squads - Smaller groups of Villuns stick together and treat anyone not in their group as potentially hostile.
Every Villun For Himself - The argubly "normal" play of Day Z, where you can be killed or raided at any time by anyone. You are never safe and you can trust no one.

These all have their positives and negatives. Obviously Villun Alliance would be most in line with the Ville's practices, but it's also highly dependent on the server gaining a steady population of random players. Sticking together when it's just us will get really boring, really fast. Every Villun For Himself, on the other hand, has the opposite problem. It's very much a breeding ground for hostility among Villuns. It's somewhat mitigated by the fact that you cannot tell who killed you or raided your camp, so your murderer/burglar could remain anonymous and that's that. Could have been a Villun, could have been a random, who knows? I think if we go this route it needs to be understood that scavenging and the possibility of losing everything is en ever-present possibility in DayZ. You need to be prepared to start over. Now personally, Villun Squads seems to be our best option to make everyone happy. It can give the tension of potential enemies nearby while still maintaining an air of cooperation.

No one says these are absolute. A free for all player can certainly team up with a person or two to become a squad, and a full Villun alliance is not out of the question should the server gain a steady population. For right now in the server's infancy, though, I think it's important to lay down the rules of how it's going to be played.
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Re: How will we handle Villun PvP?

Post by MateoTheBold! » Thu Mar 28, 2013 10:43 am

Any "rules" would just be an informal agreement, right? The only hard and fast rules is no organizing along guild lines?

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Re: How will we handle Villun PvP?

Post by TheCarpe » Thu Mar 28, 2013 10:48 am

MateoTheBold! wrote:Any "rules" would just be an informal agreement, right? The only hard and fast rules is no organizing along guild lines?
Essentially yes, nothing would be in writing, but I think it's important to know what people are getting into when they join the server. Are they safe, or are they in danger?
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Re: How will we handle Villun PvP?

Post by MasterChef » Thu Mar 28, 2013 12:16 pm

I haven't played the game yet, so take my opinion for what it's worth.

But Villun squads would seem like the logical choice to me. Every man for them selves would eventually gravitate towards squads anyway. Everyone has their friends, and it would be natural to help each other out.

Now everyone helping each other out as one large community almost seems to defeat the purpose of the game from my understanding of it. While, that is the staple of our Minecraft servers, I imagine it would get rather dull for this game after awhile.

So long as it is clearly understood that everything is fair game, people should be able to accept whatever may happen.

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Re: How will we handle Villun PvP?

Post by Boss Llama » Thu Mar 28, 2013 3:23 pm

It is definitely a big part of the game to have to worry about other players. It's lots of fun rolling with a group and not having others on, but the reason we build up stashes and establish bases is to defend against other players - the zombies are really not the biggest threat once you've got yourself established.

I'm not a big fan (as I've said before) of just wantonly attacking other people, but the fact that it could happen is very definitely a motivating factor, and adds a wonderful tension to every situation. Will they just drive past? Will they attack? Will they see us or not? It's awesome. Having found out the hard way that even having five men and a gunship doesn't stop a lone sniper from taking you down, even a single non-Villun is enough to make me change everything about how I act.

I think everybody for themself, or independant squads, will probably be the way to go. Our current group of a ten or so is already larger than even our base can readily handle, and I'm expecting we'll grow by more in the near future. Also, as we build up a base of regulars, we'll want to sort out some sort of equitable way to divide up the materials we've collected as a group thusfar (our current base will obviously be unusable if we're facing each other), and perhaps collectively pick a date when we kind of strike out on our own. As chef said, everybody solo will gravitate towards small groups anyway. At the very least, it would be fun to have two general "teams" playing, so everybody has enough allies to enjoy play, and enough rivals not to be too comfortable.

Even as "rival" groups, that doesn't necessarily mean kill-on-sight with others - just different bases, different motivations, etc. Different squads might team-up for one thing, and be rivals for another. I'd love to see people who are willing to challenge and raid each other, but not necessarily just be player hunters. We've got TS for group communication, and could readily use multiple channels for multiple squads, if necessary.
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Re: How will we handle Villun PvP?

Post by ShiftyDevil » Thu Mar 28, 2013 6:44 pm

PvP is a very important aspect of the game.

I was shocked the other day when a zombie actually killed me, granted I had just spawned and used my meds on someone else, but still it's exceedingly rare.

If we decide population isn't high enough sqauds could be fun. Playing totally solo would get boring after a while I think.

EDIT: I'd also like to point out, if we are always in force it will dissuade new people from sticking around if they always get rolled by a squad of dudes with ARs and DMRs in a Huey.

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Re: How will we handle Villun PvP?

Post by Mortis462 » Thu Mar 28, 2013 8:01 pm

I agree that we need to be careful on not just rolling other players when they are in server. Not been an issue yet, in fact I don't think we have killed a single other player on the server to my knowledge. It is something that we should be aware of though.

As far as PvP I'm personally thinking that we should split up into group or start branching out and upping the stress level a bit. I like the teamwork that we have had in the server so far but at the same time I liked the stress of the other server. Always having to watch over your shoulder and be extra paranoid all the time, adds a lot to the game. I know my interest will start to wain pretty quickly if all that is ever going on is gear hoarding like we have been. I don't think that just moving to everyone for them self is necessarily the right path to take as this game is pretty brutal by yourself.

This is a tough call on how we should proceed, a lot of it will depend on if the server starts to get a player base outside of Villuns. Guess we'll just have to wait and see but I have a feeling we will start to get bored if we don't ratchet it up somehow here pretty soon.
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Re: How will we handle Villun PvP?

Post by BigBiker05 » Fri Mar 29, 2013 2:19 pm

Mortis462 wrote:This is a tough call on how we should proceed, a lot of it will depend on if the server starts to get a player base outside of Villuns. Guess we'll just have to wait and see but I have a feeling we will start to get bored if we don't ratchet it up somehow here pretty soon.
One of the most amazing things about DayZ is the paranoia. Constantly wondering if there will be a guy around the corner, will he shoot right away, should I shoot right away, etc.

The biggest problem I have right now is it is all villuns. It is a 10 person server essentially. The PvP, or rather, paranoia of PvP is a huge factor in the game, but if I started a war, would I get banned?

Also, if we're trying to get a decent server going would we want to change the map to Chernarus and go to the public hive? This would bring the largest amount of people to the server.

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Re: How will we handle Villun PvP?

Post by black_and_blue » Sat Apr 13, 2013 7:33 pm

I don't play this game, but it seems to me that the "Villun Alliance" option really isn't an option at all, even if there were lots of non-Villuns on the server.

We frown on stacking by clan/guild in other games, and it has been expressed above there should be no organizing along guild lines. It seems to me that organising along Villun/non-Villun status would be even worse than organising along guild lines.

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Re: How will we handle Villun PvP?

Post by Larry » Sat Apr 13, 2013 7:47 pm

I can't seem to find anybody, let alone have a alliance with them.
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Re: How will we handle Villun PvP?

Post by Boss Llama » Sun Apr 14, 2013 7:56 am

I've been in a couple firefights so far, though I generally do my best to avoid others when possible. At least one hostile force appears to be in my area, and I anticipate it getting pretty hairy when we encounter each other (if we haven't already).
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Re: How will we handle Villun PvP?

Post by the creeper » Sun Apr 14, 2013 8:28 am

I have ran my own private server for about a year now and i am so used to friendlies. We do not pvp in any way unless messing around. When i do go in a public server i am on guard immediately because i know how much of a Bambi i am. I think i wait to long to find out if they are friendly or not. Most cases not. So i think my mentality is " oh someone from the guild is on, They wont kill me" That gets me killed.
So if you find me.I'm an easy kill.. maybe..
I agree it should not be guild alliances. I think maybe you buddy up with who you buddy up with and everyone else is fair game? That's how it is on other public servers.

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Re: How will we handle Villun PvP?

Post by Boss Llama » Sun Apr 14, 2013 8:37 am

Honestly we have to assume all people we meet are potential enemies unless we personally know otherwise. If people form their own alliances, that's fine, but it's a PvP world. Guns do what guns do :-D I'm not saying just random shoot people - that ain't cool - but there's definitely reason to expect incoming fire from any person one sees!
-Boss Llama

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