Yahoo's Spy Guide

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Post by itchy » Tue Mar 31, 2009 2:05 pm

[quote="Zwiffle";p="162506"]Another thing that a lot of spies probably know about and wish others knew about is not to draw attention ot a spy. If a spy is hiding behind a corner and you're in a fire fight, don't run to that corner! Try to distract those people so the spy can get behind them, potentially saving you both. I don't know how many times I've been betrayed by my own team this way.[/quote]

It's often a dilemma for me whether or not to heal Spies. Some Spies like it, and figure if they're in sight of both an enemy and a friendly medic, then they're not going to get away with a disguise anyways. Others don't want that blatant evidence, regardless of situation (unless they're on fire).

I've sometimes tried shooting at friendly Spies when enemies are around, to hopefully make them more convincing, but often it's just a better idea to focus on the enemies regardless. Most of the time when I draw attention away from a Spy, it's by accident. :\
[size=67][url=]I've been found out![/url][/size]

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Post by Infusions » Tue Mar 31, 2009 2:33 pm

I have gotten used to the idea of almost completely ignoring disguises. All I do is disguise as Scout and hit Redisguise throughout the entire round. I want as little attention on me as much as possible, so doing things like the Change Weapon trick, disguising according to situation, or trying to "act" like the enemy just wastes time. Very, very rarely do I change disguises, even after I've bumped into someone.

Disguising as the enemy allows you to see their health, which is why I have stopped using friendly disguises. Being obvious is a trade off for being able to see who has full and low health.

I still like to follow that quote I heard in a TF2 forum, "As a Spy, you want to be invisible, even when you're not cloaked." So if you're suppose to be invisible but at the same time, trying to "blend in", all you're doing is performing for a non-exsistant audience.


As for Medics healing you, if I'm at all standing next to my teammates, that means I am not ready to enter the enemy base so I should be prepared to engage in a gun fight with my teammates. If I have a disguise on, it's only for the reason above (To see health), not because I want to blend in or I'm about to cloak and enter.

If a Medic and his healing buddy is passing by me and we're going in two different directions, I don't get if the Medic gives me a quick overheal. I won't be all AGGHH YOU RUINED MY CLEVER CARDBOARD MASK DISGUISE!!! That's more health for me, which is good in case I ever need to get into a rumble with someone.

If a Medic's buddy has died and is being chased and is nearby, I'll go as far as to leaping in front of the Medic and fending off the enemy, either killing him or delaying him long enough for the Medic to retreat. It's the Medic's choice if he wants to retreat or heal the Spy who's in combat in that situtation, I would generally base it on how many people are chasing you or who you are fighting (Such as fighting a Heavy, best to retreat. Fighting a Scout or maybe even Pyro, you can heal from a distance but be prepared to run).

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Post by Guardian » Tue Mar 31, 2009 2:44 pm

The only time I get mad at my own teammates is when they charge in behind me while I cloak and attempt to sneak in....

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Post by Thorn » Thu Apr 02, 2009 6:14 am

[quote="Guardian";p="162519"]The only time I get mad at my own teammates is when they charge in behind me while I cloak and attempt to sneak in....[/quote]

This is the best advice anyone can follow when trying to help a spy on their team, do not follow spies!

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Post by mr_s » Thu Apr 02, 2009 6:34 am

do not follow spies!


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Post by shimmybot » Thu Apr 02, 2009 12:29 pm

do not follow spies!


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Post by Zwiffle » Thu Apr 02, 2009 3:03 pm

This is the best advice anyone can follow when trying to help a spy on their team, do not follow spies!

Conversely, spies should learn to never lead the pack. Coming up behind the rear is a tricky thing to learn.

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Post by unsmart » Thu Apr 02, 2009 5:11 pm

Any tips on killing fortified engies? I know I should avoid them but I can't with their damned yellow hats, kneeling down, wrenching... mocking me.

So far my only answer is to get a friendly pyro to follow after I sap. But then I don't get the satisfaction of a five combo point evisceration with cold blood activated on the bastard.

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Post by mr_s » Thu Apr 02, 2009 7:03 pm

Any tips on killing fortified engies? I know I should avoid them but I can't with their damned yellow hats, kneeling down, wrenching... mocking me.

So far my only answer is to get a friendly pyro to follow after I sap. But then I don't get the satisfaction of a five combo point evisceration with cold blood activated on the bastard.

HAHAHA. i got the best solution for you

If they are baby sitting the SG and they have a dispenser behind them, de cloak behind the dispenser whilst standing and pop 2 revolver rounds in the engy.

The sg turns around to shoot at you, kills the engy, and his dispenser stops the bullets and rockets.

re-disguise, sap and run away.

its UBER fun

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Post by unsmart » Thu Apr 02, 2009 11:34 pm

Any tips on killing fortified engies? I know I should avoid them but I can't with their damned yellow hats, kneeling down, wrenching... mocking me.

So far my only answer is to get a friendly pyro to follow after I sap. But then I don't get the satisfaction of a five combo point evisceration with cold blood activated on the bastard.

HAHAHA. i got the best solution for you

If they are baby sitting the SG and they have a dispenser behind them, de cloak behind the dispenser whilst standing and pop 2 revolver rounds in the engy.

The sg turns around to shoot at you, kills the engy, and his dispenser stops the bullets and rockets.

re-disguise, sap and run away.

its UBER fun
[/quote]Oh, I know about that one. It's really awesome to see a rage quit after as well.

My second favorite is to sit on their head and sap all the buildings I can reach from there. No one ever looks up.

The problem with these are the hard hat's team. It's very easy to stop those as the third person. I just want some sort of godmode. Or no clipping, give me no clipping. I could act like T-1000, unmorph out of the floor, and sap stuffs.

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Post by mr_s » Fri Apr 03, 2009 1:07 am

[Oh, I know about that one. It's really awesome to see a rage quit after as well.


I would have ROFLLED for at least 30 minutes if i saw a rage quit coz of that.


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Post by Infusions » Fri Apr 03, 2009 2:39 pm

It all depends on the Engineer, really. There are several tricks you can use on an Engineer. If it's a camping one, standing on his dispenser cloaked and decloaking when the time is right, stabbing his head and immediately sapping the sentry works quite nicely.

If the Engineer is a bit more aggressive, you can sap the sentry, take a shot at him with revolver, take out your sapper quickly and re-sap, switch again to the revolver and shoot, re-sap, revolver, sap, revolver, etc.

If the Engineer is a bit further away from the sentry (Like, a couple of inches further) you can probably get a couple more shots into him before having to switch back to the sapper again.

You can always lure him away from his sentry and get into a rumble with him. If you take him out, disguise and quickly go for that sentry.

There are tons of ways of taking out Engineers and buildings, it just really depends on the situation. You just really need to look at the situation and see how the Engineer plays (Camps or moves) and figure out which tatic would work best.

You'll probably die immediately after getting the sentry, but it's a worthful suicide charge.

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Re: Yahoo's Spy Guide

Post by Society » Fri May 15, 2009 1:50 pm

I agree with most except ...
Scout: You are too slow to be a real scout
Reason? If you give people long enough to notice that, you're doing it wrong anyway. Scouts are nice to disguise as because people don't EXPECT them to be doing anything obvious. They're always zipping all over the damned place, and they're hard to see.

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Post by Cpt. Winky » Fri May 15, 2009 4:18 pm

I have actually found that a good heavy disguise can fool EVERYONE because they are seemingly the worst disguise. i have sapped 2 sgs down and waddled away because no one suspects the heavy

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Re: Yahoo's Spy Guide

Post by Society » Thu May 21, 2009 12:40 am

Can be pretty good when sapping, as nobody looks for the fat guy.

For everything else... spy/medic usually arouse the least "wait a second!" suspicion on first glance, so the 2 seconds you let ANYBODY see you, you'll be fine.

Hell, unsmart and I use almost exclusively scout disguise. It's a SLOW MOVING SCOUT! Everybody know's "hey, spy is scout!" but it still works because well ... nobody gets a good look at us before we get some hits in.

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